CBD Hand Cream for Dry Hands

15 juillet, 2020 par
CBD Hand Cream for Dry Hands
Alla Kolosova

Have your hands become sore, dry, and cracked from repeated washing and scrubbing using hot water and harsh soaps?

Well, you’re not alone! Many of us nowadays are looking down at our hand, and where there once was smooth and hydrated skin, we are seeing quite the opposite! Reakiro is here with a brand new intensive CBD-infused hand moisturiser to help combat this.

Of course, keeping our hands clean and preventing the spread of infection is still everyone’s number one priority - and we need to keep it that way. However, we do not need to sacrifice our skin health, and there is more than one reason for this. 

First of all, it just makes you feel a lot better about yourself when your skin is happy and healthy rather than drained and flaky. We need all the feel-good moments we can get at the moment from the comfort of our own homes, and looking down at hands that appear 20 years older than they should is not the way forward!

But secondly, there are more reasons why you should protect and moisturise your hands. Our top layer of skin, the skin barrier or lipid layer, is integral to keeping our body safe from infection via the skin. If our hands become so dry that they’re cracked, this could leave you open and vulnerable to infection.

CBD Hand Cream

This restorative hand cream is formulated to achieve lasting moisture, meaning the problem is not just sorted in the short-term, but has lasting effects. CBD is known for its  dermatological benefits as well as anti-inflammatory properties (1) to help nurture damaged and reddened hands. On top of this, we’ve used our favourite natural emollients: shea butter, apricot seed oil, beeswax and vitamin E.

Please continue to do everything you can at the moment to slow the spread of infection. Keep washing those hands at all necessary occasions. But remember to also look after your skin health by caring for your hands with Reakiro restorative hand cream.

(1) https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4151231
