Novel Food announcement - Reakiro


If you are not new to the CBD world, you may have noticed information regarding CBD being classified as a novel food and requiring Novel Food authorisation.  

We would like to update you concerning the upcoming changes and Reakiro’s position regarding this.

Reakiro is a member of the EIHA - European Industrial Hemp Association, representing the interests of Industrial Hemp product producers and whose main goal is to serve and protect the hemp industry in the EU. In regards to Novel Food legislation, Reakiro is in total support of the position conveyed by EIHA, consistent and aligned to the following: Hemp leaves and flowers as well as such hemp extracts from industrial hemp, with the natural content of cannabinoids, (i.e. those that are not enriched with isolated CBD) are traditional foods and do not fall under the scope of the Novel Food Regulation.

However, in order to achieve a legal position for their members, EIHA will lead a project dedicated to novel food - EIHA Novel Food Consortium.

Reakiro supports this project alongside other CBD companies.

The very specific group application will be based on different product formulations in order to cover all possible CBD products.

A key part of the submission will be that these product formulations submitted under this application will be based on hemp seed oil as the carrier oil.

Therefore, in order to comply Reakiro advises that we change to hemp seed oil as the carrier in our complete ingestible product range.