Where can I ask questions about CBD?

26 décembre, 2019 par
Where can I ask questions about CBD?
Alla Kolosova
Reakiro CBD

You’ve got questions about CBD? Of course you do!

CBD (cannabidiol) is one of the fastest growing industries in the world today, and to those who had no prior knowledge, all this new information can seem difficult to navigate.

As a consumer you will want to know exactly what you are putting into your body, how it works, and where it comes from. And you should be able to find this out before you buy a product. It is a CBD seller’s responsibility to educate their customers. To help the CBD industry and community grow, we must be educated about all the facts on CBD.

The majority of the answers to your questions should be available on your CBD supplier’s website. Transparency is a key element of trust between a company and a customer, so look for a company who offers plenty of information about their production process. This could include: where the hemp is grown, how the CBD is extracted, and how much CBD is in each product.

To find the information that you are looking for, the first port of call is the FAQs section. Chances are that you’re not the first person to ask this question, so it’s highly likely that your answer will be here. For more specific or in depth information head to the blog page which will have longer articles and also up-to-date information from the CBD world.

Finally, for product specific questions, look for customer reviews either listed under the product, or via a third party review website - such as Trustpilot. This is the most authentic way of learning about the effects and quality of a product.

If you ever wish to speak to the company about their CBD products do not hesitate to get in touch as they should be forthcoming with help and information. There are also a large number of forums and Facebook groups dedicated to these conversations and CBD education.
