How to Stay Chill in 2022

1 septembre, 2021 par
How to Stay Chill in 2022
Alla Kolosova

Coping with and managing your stress is one of the best ways to look after yourself in these times.

There are no two ways about it, 2022 has frankly been a bit terrible for everyone. Our lives were paused and then shaken up from March when the pandemic pervaded every corner of a functional society, from the closure of schools and workplaces to the need to stay in our homes for months on end. This seismic change in our way of life has left all of us feeling a bit confused, anxious, and uncertain. Now that summer is winding down it’s vital that we try our very best to look after our mental and physical health in preparation for the winter.

Stressful situations, negative thoughts, and negative emotions are one of the biggest aggravators for our mental and physical health. When our body undergoes stress it weakens our immune system which makes us more susceptible to illnesses and viruses, it also means that your recovery will be slower as the immune system will have to work harder to fight. Stress and anxiety also take a massive toll on our mental health, overwhelming our thoughts, and making us feel exhausted, exasperated, and lower self-esteem.

A few deep breaths -how to be a chill person?

So how can you reduce your own stress and find a way to relax in this ‘new normal? It can sound easier said than done, but there is a natural solution that could significantly help to be a chill person. CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound extracted from the hemp plant, and in recent years it has become widely celebrated in the wellness industry for its far-reaching mental and physical benefits. (1)

This plant-based compound, which is available as an oil, in capsules, as a spray, (among many others) works to reduce stress in your body by interacting with receptors that ultimately communicate to restore the body’s natural chemical balance. And as stress is a chemical imbalance, this natural solution can work wonders - from social anxiety, to work stress. (2)

how to be a chill person

Improve your mental health with Reakiro

Here at Reakiro we also recognize the potential of hemp and CBD as a skincare ingredients. Even though you may constantly be in the house, it is important to still allocate time for doing things that actually relax you and help to stay calm.

Looking after your skin and body is a great way to connect with yourself, boost your morale, and super chill. Make a deep breath, relax and rejuvenate yourself with our Goddess Sativa skincare range, from body butter to massage oils, inspired and created by the best of nature.

Goddess Sativa skincare range

Small stuff can also help manage stress and reduce the risk of heart attack: taking deep breaths, physical activity, good news, avoiding toxic people, and maintaining a comfort zone.

Self-improvement and managing your stress is one of the best ways to look after yourself in these times. It’s also important to look out for those close to your own life - chill friends and chill people, even if you cannot see them right now. Take time to relax in these next few weeks and try to enjoy the end of the summer months, and while doing so think how you could best prepare yourself for a stress-free winter, with a little help from nature.


How to stay calm?

To stay calm, first you should become aware of how your body feels when you're stressed. Once you know what it feels like to be stressed, focusing on those sensations over and over again will reduce your stress.

How to reduce stress?

You can reduce stress by exercising, getting enough sleep, eating healthy food and avoiding drugs or alcohol. These things will help you feel better. You also should take some time every day to focus on your body, like noticing how it feels when you are breathing in and out.

How to relax?

You can relax by doing your favourite thing, going for a walk, or listening to music. You also should take some time every day to focus on your body, like noticing how it feels when you are breathing in and out. Yoga might help too!

How do I stay calm without getting angry?

To stay calm, first you should become aware of how your body feels when you're stressed. Once you know what it feels like to be stressed, focusing on those sensations over and over again will reduce your stress. You also should take some time every day to focus on your body, like noticing how it feels when you are breathing in and out.