The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift

6 May, 2019 by
The Perfect Mother’s Day Gift
Reakiro Admin
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We all know that our darling mothers deserve more than one day a year to be thanked for their amazingness, so it’s important that we go the extra mile on Mother’s Day to show our appreciation. Whilst flowers might seem like a nice idea, we all know that they don’t last long and you don’t get many points for originality. There’s nothing that says ‘I really care about you’ like the oldest cliche around; Florals? For spring? Groundbreaking.

A CBD based gift may not be the first thing that comes to mind when you think about Mother’s Day this year, but we assure you, it may be the perfect gift. Aside from childbirth (you’re welcome) the female body goes through a fair amount of trauma on an alarmingly regular basis. So how about giving back to your first home, the body that literally created you. Although that may have been a long time ago, the female body is in constant need of care.

CBD (cannabidiol) is a naturally occurring compound found in the cannabis plant, but unlike marijuana, has no psychoactive effects (you will not feel ‘high’). CBD interacts with the receptors in our endocannabinoid system which is key to a great number of physiological processes such as mood, stress, energy levels and blood pressure, all of which greatly influence our day to day experiences.

Today more and more women are coming forward with personal accounts and success stories about how CBD helped them through certain issues such as period pains, menopause, inflammation and muscle pains, as well as being an aid in their sex life. So before you go ahead and purchase this perfect gift for mother dearest, let’s have a look into how exactly CBD can be the female body’s best friend.

Period Pains

Around 90% of women report that they have or have experienced strong period pains during their monthly menstrual cycle. Period pains are somewhat more than a nuisance when it comes to managing your day to day life, and whilst over the counter solutions like ibuprofen can help, there are drawbacks. Drugs like ibuprofen have the potential to decrease all the aggravators of period pains, but can also have unpleasant gastrointestinal side effects, and those with digestive issues may wish to avoid them. CBD is an all-natural anti-inflammatory which will target the aggravating prostaglandins and reduce the pain.


We need to talk about menopause. This is a topic which is frankly not spoken about enough, particularly when you take into consideration that 50% of the world’s population has/ will or is experiencing it. There comes a time in a woman’s life when all her close up shop and menopause ensues; this is a bittersweet period (pun fully intended). Although the bain of periods may be over, there are many uncomfortable symptoms which come with menopause such as: aches and joint pains, mood swings and sleep loss - all of these fundamentally due to a sudden lack of oestrogen. All of these factors can be alleviated with the help of CBD as an anti-stressant and muscle relaxant.

Sex Life

With the sudden decrease in oestrogen levels in the body, post-menopause sex life may be a little different, but this does not mean it is over!  We’re all looking for a way to improve and optimise our sex lives, that’s right your mother included - she’s only human after all! CBD has been found to be a great addition as it is an all-natural anti-inflammatory, a muscle relaxant and it greatly improves blood flow. CBD should be considered whether you and/or your partner a pre or post menopause.

We hope you will think a little out of the box this Mother’s Day with a gift that not only brightens a room, but brightens up a life! You can check out our wide range of CBD products through our Reakiro shop. There is a product for everyone and we guarantee that this is a gift which will truly show how much you care.