Does CBD Show Up on A Drug Test?

6 December, 2021 by
Does CBD Show Up on A Drug Test?
Alina Hryn

While many have made the shift and the long-term commitment with CBD oil for quite some time, some are still quite dubious about it. CBD incites enough curiosity, true, but what’s stopping them from trying it? For the athletes, the public servants, the professionals, and the likes, it’s obvious (and quite logical) to have second thoughts with CBD products. CBD’s close association with marijuana just presents worry about uncertain CBD drug test results. 

And so, we tackle the persistent question: does CBD show up on a drug test? The truth is—CBD should NOT cause your drug test outcome to fail; CBD isn’t a prohibited drug. Nevertheless, what could go wrong with CBD oil and drug tests? Why do we worry? Reakiro goes on point by point on the certainty of CBD products and CBD drug tests in Europe, so keep reading to stay out of trouble!

Dispelling the Taboo on Cannabis, THC, and CBD Drug Test

Knowing when does CBD show up on a drug test is crucial. This is one reason people are adamant about trying CBD oil. Most aren’t aware of the differences between cannabis, hemp, THC, and CBD. And what’s worse is, people are oblivious to the existing drugs tests. As Dale Carnegie puts it, “inaction breeds doubt and fear.” You need to get yourself informed. So, let’s clear the air, get every term thrown around a lot on the web sorted out and debunk all the myths once and for all!

  • Worry about THC, not CBD. CBD and THC are two main active cannabinoids in the Cannabis sativa plant. THC is the most known (or notorious) because of its psychoactive effects. THC specifically causes the ‘high’ and is found in large amounts of recreational marijuana. CBD, on the other hand, is gaining traction in recent years because of its therapeutic effects. Regulated CBD products have higher CBD and zero to less THC content.

  • Marijuana plant and hemp plant are the same, sort of. It’s understandable if you’re confused about these two common sources of CBD. Because the truth is, marijuana and hemp are of the same species—they’re just two different names for the cannabis plant, even though they both contain CBD and THC. The only difference you should note is: hemp is a variety that has more CBD and less THC, while marijuana, on the other hand, has high THC and low CBD content. Regulated CBD products source their CBD from hemp plants.

  • Zero to less THC, as much as possible! CBD products sold over-the-counter are well-regulated by the Food Service Agency (FSA)[1].  FSA’s mandate is to ensure public health’s safety, so you can also guarantee no CBD product with high amounts of THC is going to be sold in the market. CBD and CBD-infused products, which are considered novel food products, are required to undergo meticulous safety assessment. In short, you’re safe as long as you buy regulated CBD products. 

Does CBD Show Up on A Drug Test? No, it’s THC.

Even with the tight regulations and laws mention above, will CBD oil fail a drug test? Nothing wrong with being 100% sure CBD oil won’t cause your career downfall or even life plans to go derailing. We will not deny that isolated cases where CBD products may have caused a positive drug test to exist. What we advise: spot THC, the major culprit, and make sure you don’t take large doses of it. This is a possibility we’re trying to avoid. Reakiro CBD has prepared some safety measures you could follow when incorporating CBD products into your routine to avoid excess THC:

  • Be wary of your CBD products’ THC levels. Reputable CBD manufacturers are transparent on how they extract their CBD and where do they source it. Hemp plants should be the source. And as for the CBD-THC ratios, you need to know the most common outputs of the extraction methods, the three types of CBD: (1) full-spectrum CBD, which has CBD along with all the Phytocannabinoids, terpenes, but with traces of THC, (2) broad-spectrum CBD, which has CBD, and almost every cannabis compound but no THC, and lastly, (3) CBD isolate, which only contains the pure CBD compound. If you want to be 100% sure of zero (to traces) of THC contact and STILL want to experience the entourage effect[2], then go for Reakiro hemp-derived broad-spectrum CBD oils. 

  • THC absorption might come into play. If CBD bioavailability can tell how effective a CBD product is, the THC bioavailability can tell you (sort of) how to pass a drug test EU. If you’re trying to consume a full-spectrum CBD product, it’s best to go for ingestion rather than inhalation, for example. Since, in a study, it was determined how fast THC take effects in our body. THC, being highly lipid-soluble, gets absorbed rapidly by fat tissues. The significant findings[3] below may help you decide on what CBD product to buy:

    • Ingestion of THC has 4% to 12% bioavailability, while oral CBD has 6% bioavailability.

    • Inhalation (vaping) of THC has 10% to 35% bioavailability, while inhalation of CBD has 11 to 45% bioavailability.

  • Know the plasma half-life of THC and other components, like CBD. CBD and THC’s difference in bioavailability in humans is caused by their half-life. The plasma half-life is a great indicator of how long the duration of the action of the drug is[4]. Once the concentration of THC is reduced in half and leaves the plasma, there can be known three outcomes: THC is eliminated from the body, THC is translocated to another body fluid compartment, or THC is destroyed in the blood. For the record, THC’s plasma half-life differs on how frequent a cannabis user you are. For the occasional users, it’s 1 to 3 days, and for the chronic users, it’s 5 to 13 days. CBD, on the other hand, has an 18 to 32 hours terminal half-life[5]. This information may also be used to know how long is CBD detectable in urine.

  • How long does CBD show up on a drug test? CBD won’t ever show up on a drug test. (It could, if they request CBD to be detected. However, this is rare.) A routine drug test detects THC and its metabolites. THC has the following duration of detectability according to American Family Physician[6], so as much as possible, consume cannabis products accordingly:

    • 3 days with single-use

    • 5 to 7 days with use around four times per week

    • 10 to 15 days with daily use

    • More than 30 days with long-term, heavy use

How CBD Could Cause You to Fail a Drug Test

Sometimes, no matter how much you ready yourself for battle, even with all the information on CBD and THC available above, it’s the external factors that will topple and influence the outcome. CBD may be safe from not showing up on a drug test, but when we’re oblivious about the other ways on how THC can get through our system, you might not save your drug test from failing.

How CBD Could Cause You to Fail a Drug Test

So, how do we avoid the domino effect of the blunders of other people? Or even avoid being the victim because of the lack of accuracy of some data? Here is some useful information you should know about inadvertent contact with THC:

  • Rampant CBD Mislabelling. CBD has risen to unbelievable popularity in Europe. In a report, it was shown that 25% of the 67 CBD products examined in Germany exceeded the 2.5 milligrams-per-day required dose of THC by the FSA[7]. No matter how careful you are with reading the CBD labels, taking the right dosage, and making sure you don’t exceed the THC levels, if the CBD manufacturers aren’t compliant with regulations, then you’ll probably fail that drug test. That’s why, as much as possible, go for top CBD manufacturers, who are values transparency and amenability. Reakiro CBD, for example, is one of the top CBD manufacturers who are European GMP/HACCP certified and are transparent about the CBD products’ lab testing.

  • Does CBD show up on a drug test, after it’s been converted? CBD isolates (even without THC) may be a culprit too, it turns out. According to an in vitro study, under acidic conditions, CBD may be converted to THC and other cannabinoids[8].  In another study, to see if this will be the same instance with humans, they mimicked the stomach’s gastric fluid and were made to interact with CBD. Results show that there was an increase in levels of THC[9].  So, if you ask: does CBD show up on a drug test? Probably, if CBD is successfully isomerized to THC in our stomachs.

  • You’ve exceeded the recommended dosage of your CBD product. This is an irresponsible way to enjoy CBD benefits and a right-of-the-bat approach to get yourself a questionable drug testing result. Taking much of what you need will also increase the traces of THC in your system. And as mentioned before, for chronic cannabis users, it takes them a longer time (a week or two) to remove THC fully. As much as possible, follow CBD product dosage. You may still experience CBD effects regardless!

Repercussions and Implications of High THC Levels

It’s not just about passing and failing a drug test. Routine drug testing in the workplace, politics, and even professional sports has always been a controversial topic. For some, they say, that as long it doesn’t affect one’s productivity, they must enjoy their right to privacy[10]. Employers say it’s about the right to professionalism and social responsibility. And though, there are no existing reports about cannabis overdosing, consuming too much of it may cause deterioration in your health, short-term or long-term[11]. Regardless, to avoid your health and life getting derailed, here are more things to know about THC in CBD products and drug tests:

  • Even when taking CBD with less THC, a drug test can show a false positive. Accuracy should always be regarded highly during drug tests as it can affect one’s future. According to a study, it was revealed that 5-10% of the drug tests conducted gave false-positive results. It’s very alarming. So, for future reference, and to avoid such bother, here are things you can’t take with full-spectrum or broad-spectrum CBD: Dronabinol, nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and proton pump inhibitors.

  • Can you get high with CBD and/or second-hand THC exposure? Yes. Even though you’re 100% sure you’re taking broad-spectrum CBD oil or CBD isolate, if you’re getting second-hand THC exposure, it may still result in a failing drug test. It’s advised to stay away from those who smoke marijuana since it’s high in THC.  To add, when you breathe the smoke in, you get the same effect too—the psychoactive effects of THC[12].

  • How to pass urine drugs test. Random drug testing is usually done in the workplace and even in schools. Urine testing is the most popular way used. If you’re using regulated CBD products, there’s only a minute chance, you’ll fail the urine drug test. And if you get a false-positive, and claim it’s just sole CBD oil, take it up to your employer. Many companies have outright zero tolerance for ‘drug use’. However, in this special case, they might offer that you retake or do another drug test in another form.

Does CBD Show Up on A Drug Test: Summing It Up!

Drug tests only test THC, not CBD! CBD is relatively safe and isn’t classified as an illegal substance. However, to ease your worries about that forthcoming drug test, it’s best to abstain for a while from taking any CBD products, especially those with traces of THC. No matter how meticulous FSA regulations and third-party lab testing are, it still doesn’t encompass everything we need to know on how it will affect routine drug tests. It’s best to get connect with trusted brands like Reakiro CBD, as they provide transparency and clarity about their product usage no matter what the case!