CBD Health Benefits

25 February, 2020 by
CBD Health Benefits
Alla Kolosova

Cannabidiol, more commonly referred to as CBD, is a naturally occurring compound found in the hemp plant - which is a member of the cannabis family. CBD is one of more than 100 cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant. These cannabinoids interact with the human body to produce responses via endocannabinoid receptors.

CBD is rising as one of the most popular natural medicine alternatives, but what exactly are the health benefits? The current scientific research and user reports allow us to split CBD’s health benefits into three categories: mental, physical, and dermatological.

Perhaps the most common phrase associated with CBD is “therapeutic benefits”, consequently it’s no surprise that the plant extract has been adopted into the world of mental health and wellness as a way of managing certain conditions - and scientists have research to back up these claims.

Anxiety and Depression

Many people who suffer from anxiety and depression have found promising results when taking CBD. This is due to the fact that CBD interacts with the human body in a similar way to anti-anxiety medication; the compound mediates the alterations in the serotonin receptor 5-HT1A (which is responsible for happiness).


Cannabidiol has also been found to have natural anti-inflammatory properties, as well as analgesic benefits. This makes it the perfect candidate for pain management. The CBD industry has seen pain management products made for those with conditions such as Multiple Sclerosis. In 2014 a study revealed that - of the people with MS who took part - one in five had used cannabis to help their symptoms.2 CBD is also used to manage more common day-to-day pain, such as sports recovery. Sports stars have begun to break the stigma they face within their industry, surrounding CBD, to let people know how beneficial it has been for their recuperation processes.


The dermatological benefits of CBD originate predominantly in its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants are vital for the body and skin to fight the free radicals which we are exposed to through our environments. Without the proper care, free radicals have the capability to damage our cells. Consequently, CBD is becoming a sought after skincare ingredient as it deeply nourishes our skin, rejuvenating it and halting the ageing process.


One in two adults suffers from insomnia, which can have a number of knock-on effects - not just the next morning when you’re feeling groggy, but over your general quality of life. Pinpointing the reason why you’re not sleeping is key to rectifying those sleepless nights. For many, stress is the main factor that keeps them up at night: work stress, family stress, financial stress. Having these thoughts whirring through your brain will prevent you from getting the rest you need. A study into how using CBD could help participants who have issues with sleep and anxiety had extremely promising results, with 79% having reduced anxiety and 66% reporting improved sleep within the first month.1

As you may have understood, CBD is not limited to one form. Companies and manufacturers are developing varieties and varieties of different products to make CBD and its varying properties accessible to everyone. For example, for mental health conditions and sleep improvement, CBD oil is currently the top product; but some people would also choose a CBD vape liquid in this scenario. Meanwhile, for muscle and skin-related issues, people are seen to be turning to CBD infused topicals

If you’re looking to treat an existing condition or introduce CBD into your health routine don’t be shy to explore our other blog posts for in-depth research and education on the natural compound.
